Ways you can participate:
1. Volunteer:
Almost every aspect of Foundation activities will require volunteer assistance to allow the highest percentage of funds raised to be used for educational opportunities for students. Talents and expertise in the areas of finance and accounting, web-page design and management, organizing and running events, starting and maintaining an alumni association, publicity and marketing, and general help with activities are especially needed.
2. Serve on the Foundation Board of Directors:
The Foundation Bylaws require that Board members be residents of legal age of the Rondout Valley Central School District and include a diverse cross-section of the district’s communities. Additionally, membership may be open, at the discretion of the Foundation Board, to interested non-residents providing that non-residents hold no more than 25% of Board seats at any time.
Download a Volunteer Form and email it to info@rvefoundation.org
3. Make a donation:
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Click here to donate.